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Code of Conduct


  1. Introduction

    1. The Code of Conduct relates to behaviour at bowls events and functions in Cyprus under the direct control of World Bowls (WB) and/or the European Bowls Union (EBU) and/or Bowls Cyprus. The code is to ensure all Members are aware that there is an expectation of appropriate behaviour at all times.

    2. The Code of Conduct applies to a Member’s conduct during the course of, but not limited to, competitions, practices, travel, and meetings. The Code of Conduct also applies to conduct that may occur outside of Bowls Cyprus’s activities and events when such conduct is detrimental to the image and reputation of Bowls Cyprus.

    3. Behaviour that violates the Code of Conduct will be the subject of an investigation and possible disciplinary proceedings.

  2. Members

Bowls Cyprus is committed to creating an environment where all individuals are treated with respect. All Members have a responsibility to;

    1. Comply at all times with the Constitution, Rules, Regulations and Policies of Bowls Cyprus, as adopted and amended from time to time, and any directives or sanctions imposed by Bowls Cyprus from time to time;

    2. Promote the positive aspects of bowls in Cyprus and act in the best interests of Bowls Cyprus and not undertake any action that is likely to bring it into disrepute;

    3. Demonstrate the spirit of sportsmanship by ensuring that the rules of lawn bowls, and the spirit of such rules, are adhered to;


3. Adhere to the correct protocol for contacting Bowls Cyprus, World Bowls and the European Bowls Union. That protocol is as follows:

Member â–º Member Club secretary â–º Member Club committee (or equivalent) â–º Club Delegate â–º Secretary â–º Council â–º WB or EBU. Failing to adhere to the protocol will be considered a disciplinary offence;

    1. Demonstrate respect to individuals regardless of gender, colour, ethnic or racial origin, nationality or sexual orientation, and treat individuals fairly, reasonably and with respect, refraining from negative remarks or conduct;

    2. Refrain from any behaviour that could constitute harassment, where harassment is defined as comment or conduct directed towards an individual or group, which is offensive, abusive, racist, sexist, degrading or malicious;

    3. Refrain from any behaviour that could constitute sexual harassment, where sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual comments and sexual advances;

    4. Refrain from the use of power or authority in an attempt to coerce another person to engage in inappropriate activities or gain advantage for self or Member Club;

    5. Abstain from use, control or possession of illegal or performance-enhancing drugs or methods.

  1. Council Members

Council Members bear additional responsibilities in terms of behaviour and best practice in fulfilling their duties and obligations to other Council Members and the members of Bowls Cyprus generally. A Council Member must observe this code of conduct whenever he/she:

[a] Conducts business on behalf of Bowls Cyprus;

[b] Conducts the office to which he/she has been elected or appointed;

[c] Acts as a representative of Council or Bowls Cyprus.

    1. Accountability. Everything Bowls Cyprus does must be able to stand the test of scrutiny by members of Bowls Cyprus, stakeholders and Government agencies.

    2. Integrity and Honesty. These will be the hallmarks of all conduct when dealing with members of Bowls Cyprus, other Council Members, stakeholders and Government agencies.

    3. Transparency. Council seeks to maintain an appropriate atmosphere of openness whilst acknowledging the need for confidentiality in sensitive issues involving finances and personal privacy.

    4. Commitment. Council Members must be committed to Bowls Cyprus and all of its objectives.

    5. Competence. Council Members are expected to develop competence in their role. They must keep themselves aware of issues affecting Bowls Cyprus and its objectives.

    6. The legal framework. Council Members must act in accordance with the general law and the Constitution of Bowls Cyprus.

    7. Preparation and attendance. Council Members must spend an appropriate amount of time reading papers, compiling papers and preparing for forthcoming meetings.

    8. Decision-making. Council Members must act and make decisions only in the best interests of Bowls Cyprus and its members. Where Council Members lack specific knowledge or experience they should always seek advice.

    9. Authority. Council Members can propose to Council to form sub-committees to assist them with their duties. However, sub-committees can only make recommendations to Council. Decisions (except where delegated) are only made collectively at Council meetings and Council Members are jointly and severally responsible for them.

    10. Collective responsibility. Council Members are expected to support Council decisions outside of Council meetings whether or not they personally agree with them. Council decisions should be communicated to the membership of Bowls Cyprus in a unified manner. Matters including, but not limited to, disciplinary proceedings, Council meetings and correspondence between Council Members must remain confidential outside the confines of Council. Council Members and the President must not bring Bowls Cyprus into disrepute.

    11. Benefits. Council Members must not receive any financial or other benefit as a result of their position unless such benefit has been specifically authorized by Council.

    12. Conflicts of interest. Council Members must not exert any influence based on their connection with Bowls Cyprus to obtain preferential treatment for themselves or others. Any conflict of interest must be declared at the earliest opportunity. A Council Member declaring such an interest must absent him/herself from the Council meeting during discussion of and decision about that item unless given permission to remain.




You can help to maintain the sportsmanship and courtesy that has characterised the game of bowls by following the few simple principles listed below.




1. Check that you know the correct dress code for the occasion, and wear it.

2. Make sure that you have all necessary equipment for the position that you are

playing i.e. chalk, measure etc.

3. Make sure you arrive before the game with sufficient time to be ready to start at the appointed time.




1. Enter and leave the green within your own rink.

2. Greet your opponents (and the marker in singles) and shake hands spontaneously before and after the game.

3. Show respect to all players especially whilst they are on the mat.

4. Stand clear of the rink number and the boundary markers hen players are on the mat.

5. Always stand at least a yard behind the mat when someone is bowling.

6. At the head-end of the rink and not controlling play, stand behind the jack and away from the head.

7. Do not infringe the laws of rink possession, World Bowls 13.

8. Inform your opponent if you have to leave the green. World Bowls 33.

9. Be aware of the difference between a LUCKY shot and a played shot: do not applaud the LUCKY shot (wick).

10. Shots have to be mutually agreed between the players responsible and no other bowls should be removed until the end has been declared.

11. If you are responsible for keeping the score, compare your card with your opponents at regular intervals and ensure that the scoreboard is correct.


12. If an umpire is called, remove all non-contentious bowls and then stand well clear of the head until a decision has been made.

13. If an end has to be replayed (dead end) always carry the bowls back down the rink, do not bowl or throw them.




1. There may be another game in progress, be aware of people on the mat ready to bowl and keep still.

2. At the end of a competition or a match involving visitors it is good practise to offer your opponent a drink. If you have to leave straight away, apologise at the start of the game.





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